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A path to feeling good

How to stimulate the use of fat instead of the storage of fat after 40.

Add some HIIT training to your week.

Short periods of intense exercise with less intense recovery periods until too exhausted to continue.

It is short and sharp. 10 to 20 minutes 3 x a week and you have all these benefits :

✅Blood glucose control

✅Improve cognition brain function and memory

✅Decrease total body inflammation

✅Increase Metabolism

✅Reduces stress, decreases cortisol

✅Increase testosterone

✅Decrease visceral and subcutaneous fat

✅Increase lean mass

To get all these benefits you must back up your training with protein. Eat within 30 minutes after exercising.

Here I am using Tabata protocol 20 sec on 10-sec rest X 8 ( alternating between 2 exercises)

Tabata: Jump Box + Squat raise

Tabata: Naval Rope + Swings

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I hear a lot of times..." I can't be in menopause I am too young for this. I am still menstruating. "

Yes that's right you are not in menopause you are in perimenopause the period that precedes menopause.

Not many people talk about that.

I didn't know that this existed either.

The years just before menopause are where the biggest changes in our bodies can occur.

That's when our hormones are going through a lot of fluctuations until they completely drop in menopause.

We can compare perimenopause with a second puberty with the ups and downs of hormones.

That's why we can have lots of symptoms during this time such as mood swings, brain fog, insonmia, hot flashes etc. Not every woman have all the symptoms, you can have just one or another, some have all and some have none.

If you have symptoms and they are impacting your life that are a lot of things you can do to mitigate them.

Talk to your GP preference specialist in menopause.

If you need help towards your fitness goals you might like to join my women's wellness program designed specifically for women during this phase of life.

Please reach out for more information.

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Rainy Sunday Breakfast

High Protein pancakes

1/2 cup of egg whites

1 scoop whey powder ( I used strawberry flavour)

1 tsp linseed

1 tbsp almond meal

1/3 cup almond milk



1 cup frozen berries microwave for 1 min

Pour in a hot non-stick pan.

Serve with berries

In perimenopause onwards when the hormones start to change every time that we eat high processed carbs such as foods made with flour ( breads, pasta, pancakes pastries, cookies , cakes ...)we spike our insulin levels and we don't have the same metabolic response that we used to have before due to the hornone decline.

Avoiding high processed carbs is one of the strategies to avoid the increase of fat around waistline in mid age.

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