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A path to feeling good

Updated: Apr 3

After the 40s, our body becomes more insulin resistant because of the hormone change.

Every time we eat a high-carb, significantly refined carb, it becomes sugar, and our body stores it as fat around the belly instead of using it.

Sadly, we don't deal well with bread, pasta, pastries, pies, biscuits, and crackers. This is one of the top reasons a woman over 40 puts weight around the belly.

The good news is you can still have your moment of high carb content and use it if you eat at the right time when the body cells will be open to receive and use that bread. This is within 30 minutes after exercise, strength or HIIT training.

My program teaches strategies to change body composition after the 40s. I look into your goals and needs and work with you to give you science-based strategies to help your body work for you and mitigate the effects of hormone change.

Want to know more? Please send me a message.

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Ten strategies to get back into your sleep routine

Lack of sleep is associated with weight gain. When we sleep, we produce the human growth hormone (HGH), which helps you burn fat, build muscles and recover faster; getting fewer than 7 hours, your HGH production stalls.

Increase of appetite - You are more prone to overeating when you are tired; there is a higher level of ghrelin- appetite stimulator, and a lower level of leptin ( appetite suppressor)

Increase stress levels- which sets the stage for insulin resistance, increasing abdominal fat storage ( which women in perimenopause or menopause don't need)

What you can do :

  • First thing in the morning, have some natural light on your face. Before reaching for your phone, look towards the sunlight. This helps to reset the circadian rhythm, our biological clock.

  • At night, dim the light around the house and use more indirect lights instead of direct lights.

  • Avoid blue light screams 1 to 2 hours before bed.

  • No TV, computer, or electronics in the bedroom; leave the bedroom only for sleep and intimacy.

  • Have a warm bath before bed.

  • The bedroom temperature needs to be cool.

  • Use smell scents such as lavanda.

  • Have your last meal 3 hours before bed.

  • Avoid coffee, coke, or black tea after 3 pm.

  • Keep a pad and pen beside the bed. If you have a busy mind, write down what is occupying your mind before bed.

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" I never had defined muscles. It is not now, at 45, that I will. "

I heard that from a client.

With all my love, This is BS.

But I understand why you might think that way...

We need more modelling and mirroring. We don't have examples.

We are the first generation changing this narrative of old and weak.

At 26, I would lift a maximum of 8 kg bench press.

At 46, I can lift a 30 kg bench press. I started in my 40s.

I don't have superpowers; I have what all women have: inner strength. We are a potency.

As we age, we need stronger muscles working for us.

I want to be able to pick up my luggage, travel the world, carry my shopping bag, and climb stairs without a puff. I want to hike and go for long walks; I want my heart to be healthy and my muscles to respond to my adventures.

And I was hoping you could do all you wish and explore your powerfulness.

Let’s never stop cheering on female strength.

Let me know if you need some help.

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